Saturday, 21 August 2010

102nd patriarch of Alexandria

Sawirus Ibn Muqaffa`, History of the Church part 10 - CYRIL III — CYRIL V (A. D. 1235-1894)


(A. D. 1235-1894)


•Cyril III. Ibn Laklak. (1235-1243 A.D.) — Cyril (Kirullus) the Patriarch, the seventy-fifth of (their) number.
•Athanasius III. (1250-1270 A.D.) — Athanasius (Atanasius) the Patriarch, and he is the seventy-six of (their) number.
•Gabriel ??? (1262-1274 A.D.) — Gabriel (Ghabryal) the Patriarch, and he is the seventy-seventh of (their) number.
•John VII.(1271-1293 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch, the seventy-eighth of (their) number.
•Theodosius II.(1294-1300 A.D.) — Theodosius (Taudusius) the Patriarch, and he is the seventy-ninth of (their) number.
•John VIII. (1300-1320) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch, and he is the eightieth of (their) number.
•John IX. (1320-1327 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-first of (their) number.
•Benjamin ??? (1327-1339 A.D.) — Benjamin (Banyamin) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-second of (their) number.
•Peter V. (1340-1348 A.D.) — Peter (Butrus) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-third of (their) number.
•Mark V. (1349-1363 A.D.) — Mark (Markus) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-fourth of (their) number.
•John X. (1363-1369 A.D.)— John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch and he is the eighty-fifth of (their) number.
•Gabriel ??? (1370-1378 A.D.) — Gabriel (Ghabryal) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-six of (their) number.
•Matthew I. (1378-1409 A.D.) — Matthew (Matta) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-seventh of (their) number, and he was known as the wretched (Al-Maskin).
•Gabriel ??? (1409-1427 A.D.) — Gabriel (Ghabryal) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-eighth of (their) number.
•John XI. (1479-1482 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch, and he is the eighty-ninth of (their) number.
•Matthew II. (1451-1465 A.D.) — Matthew (Mattaus) the Patriarch, and he is the ninetieth of (their) number.
•Gabriel ??? (1466-1475 A.D.) — Gabriel (Ghabryal) the Patriarch, and he is the ninety-first of (their) number.
•Michael III. (1476-1478 A.D.) — Michael (Mikhayil) the Patriarch, and he is the ninety-second of (their) number.
•John XII. (1479-1482 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch (surnamed) Al-Nakkadi and he is the ninety-third of (their) number.
•John XIII. (1482-1524 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch (surnamed) Al-Misri, and he is the ninety-fourth of (their) number.
•Gabriel ??? (1524-1569 A.D.) — Gabriel (Ghabryal) the Patriarch, and he is the ninety-fifth of (their) number.
•John XIV. (1570-1585 A.D.) — John (Yuhanna) the Patriarch (surnamed) Al-Manfaluti, and he is the ninety-sixth of (their) number.
•Gabriel ??? (1585-1600 A.D.) — Gabriel (Ghabryal) the Patriarch, and he is the ninety-seventh of (their) number.
•Mark VI. (1601-1618 A.D.) — Mark (Markus) the Patriarch, and he is the ninety-eighth of (their) number.
•John XV. (1618-1634 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch, and he is the ninety-ninth of (their) number.
•Matthew III. (1634-1650 A.D.) — Matthew (Mattaus) the Patriarch (surnamed) At-Tukhi, and he is the hundredth of (their) number.
•Mark VI. (1650-1660 A.D.) — Mark (Markus). the Patriarch (surnamed) Al-Bahguri and he is the one hundred and first of (their) number.
•Matthew IV. (1660-1675 A.D.) — Matthew (Mattaus) the Patriarch (surnamed) Al-Miri, and he is the one hundred and second of (their) number.
•John XVI (1676-1718 A.D.) — John (Yu'annis) the Patriarch (surnamed) At-Tukhi, and he is the hundred and third of (their) number.
•Peter VI. (1718-1726 A.D.) — Peter (Butrus) the Patriarch, and he is the one hundred and fourth of (their) number.
•John XVII (1726-1745 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) John (Yu'annis), and he is the one hundred and fifth of (their) number.
•Mark VII (1745-1769 A.D.) — Mark (Markus) the Patriarch, and he is the one hundred and sixth of (their) number.
•John XVIII (1769-1796 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) John (Yuhanna) the Patriarch, and he is the one hundred and seventh of the number of the Patriarchs.
•John XIX (1796-1809 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) John (Yuannis), and he is the one hundred and eighth of the number of the Patriarchs.
•Peter VII. (1809-1852 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) Peter (Butrus) the Patriarch, and he is the one hundred and ninth of the number of the patriarchs.
•Cyril IV. (1854-1861 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) Cyril (Kirillus) the Patriarch, and he is the one hundred and tenth of the number of the patriarchs.
•Demetrius II. (1862-1870 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) Demetrius (Dimitrius) the Patriarch, and he is the one hundred and eleventh.
•Cyril V. (1874-1927 A.D.) — Abba (Anba) Cyril (Kirullus) the Patriarch, the one hundred and twelfth of the number of the patriarchs

Matthew (Mattaus) the Patriarch (surnamed) Al-Miri, and he is the one hundred and second of (their) number.
This father was a devout monk at the Monastery of the Mistress at Al-Baramus. And when he had been chosen for the patriarchate, he was consecrated on the thirtieth of (the month of) Hatur (in the) year one thousand, three hundred and seventy-seven [1660 A.D]. And he went to his rest on the twelfth of (the month of) Misra (in the) year one thousand, three hundred and ninety-one [1675 A.D.]; and he remained patriarch on the Throne for fourteen years and (some) months.

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