Saturday, 21 April 2007

saint martyrs Timotheus and his wife Maure





By Meleka Habib Youssef

The two distinguished martyrs whose admirable passion you are about to read, are also victims of the famous Arianus, the prefect of Antinoe. The latter was very active, and had given strict orders which were not to be delayed.
The cities and the villages which were under his authority, must be thoroughly searched; and every individual who was suspected to be a Christian, had to offer sacrifice immediately; otherwise the agents of the Authority, who were invested with full powers, would seize him without mercy, and take him without delay to the chief town of the province.
The people of the village of Perape were lucky. (This is probably Rairamoun that is slightly over Antinoe.) They took hold of a very young man named Timotheus, who had the function of Aghnostos in the Church. He was just married some days before.
As soon as he was brought to the court, the inquiry began.
--“Who are you? What is your occupation”?
--“I am a Christian; and I practice the duties of an aghnostos.”
--“Your name”?
--“Are you then the only one in your village ignoring the decrees of our noble emperors, who have ordered to put to a horrible death anyone who would not sacrifice to the indestructible gods”?
--“Perhaps! Anyway I have in me the Spirit of God, and certainly I will not sacrifice.”
--“Look well at the torturing instruments which are exhibited there under your eyes”.
--“Do you not see the angels whom God has sent to support me?”
--“Give me your sacred books so that I may know their strength.”
--“Can a father himself deliver his own children to a bloodthirsty enemy?”
--“Beautiful words! All this does not make any progress. Then, you refuse to give me your books and you do not want to sacrify?”
--“No, a thousand times no; because I am a Christian.”
As Arianus was not that day in a mood to discuss, he immediately moved forward to tortures, which are much more eloquent than himself, for taming the rebel convictions. The executioners took sharp daggers, make them red-hot, and thrust them into the ears of the victim. Under the action of the heat, the face became extremely swelled, the cornea of the dried eye cracked and let loose the crystalline lense.
The executioners exclaimed saying:
--“Poor blockhead! Your obstinacy not to sacrifice has made you loose your sight; here you are well advanced now!”
--“You said that rightly; I have lost my eyes, which were used to watch so many repelling scenes, but the Lord Jesus has more than ever, lightened the eyes of my soul.”
The torture by the wheel was the answer to this beautiful word.
The prefect exclaimed:
“Sacrify, sacrify; then I shall put an end to this torture.”
--“It is useless to insist so much; I am not suffering; the Lord Jesus is protecting me.”
--“Executioners, take him off the wheel. You will bind his hands behind his back, and attach him to a pole by the feet, so that he will be suspended very high, with his head downwards; then you will put a gag in his mouth and fasten a stone around his neck.”
The horror and the cruelty of the torture made those who were present exclaim, but their cry was promptly choked; would not the violence of the torture, snatch an expression of regret, a word of apostasy? Facing the distressful silence of the crowd, Timotheus lifted up his bleeding eyelids as if permitting to his faint eyes to look up at the heavens, and he said with a loud voice:
“In front of all of you, I proclaim the God of heavens and earth, who will certainly deliver me from this appalling torture.”
Those who were surrounding the prefect, suggested in the name of humanity, a nearly unerring way to defeat the obstinacy of this young man; that way was very friendly:
“This is a boy who has just been married; let us bring to him his bride; he will not be able to resist her supplication, her tears, and especially her charm.”
The prefect favourably welcomed this idea and sent to summon Maura the wife of the Christian. Being anxious about what had become to her husband, she came in a hurry. The prefect said:
“I am greatly touched with commiseration at your bad luck, my child; because I fear that a great mishap will occur to you; the obstinacy of Timotheus will cost him his death; to become a widow at the age of fifteen, is not that an appalling matter!? You must absolutely do everything to save his life. Go back home then; put on your most beautiful dress, submerge your hair in the most savory perfume; then go to your husband in all the brightness of your beauty, and conquer his obstinacy; in a word, make him sacrifice to the gods.”
The young woman who hoped to release her husband, without any hesitation obeyed to the suggestions of the prefect; and after a while she came back like a queen, and started to play the role of the alluring Eve. They took off the gag that made it impossible for Timotheus to speak. Maura came very near to him. The tortured man said:
---“Where is my father, the priest Bassilius?”
The priest said:
---“My dear son, what thing do you desire that would be agreable to you?”
---“My father, only one thing; for goodness sake, wrap my head with a linen cloth, so that I may not anymore breath the infected odor of these perfumes.”
Then Maura started to talk:
---“Timotheus, my brother, my beloved husband, why do you insult me in this way? In what thing could I hurt your feelings? Has not yet even twenty days passed since you have married me; what is it that you blame me for? I am groaning for your fate; because finally what is the reason of your condemnation? Is it for some debts that you suffer this horrible torture; if this is the case, I shall sell all my jewelry in order to liberate you.”
Timotheus let her express this great affliction without interrupting her. After having relieved her heart, Maura, who was broken by emotion, fell down, soaked in her tears. Timotheus said:
“Maura, my dear sister, my tenderly beloved spouse, just now I have seen you going out of our home, and a demon beside you who was leading you astray towards the things of this perishable world; I have now given up all the trifles that entertain the spirit.”
---“But, my brother, you have not given up the matters that pertain to God. Who then will read our sacred Books on Saturdays and Sundays?”
---“My sister, let us say goodbye to the fleeting things of this life; come to fight with me the beautiful battle of the martyrdom which will make us obtain the immortal crown. If we sustain it courageously, God will, without any doubt, forgive us all our sins.”
---“What a joy it is to accompany you, oh my beloved husband! It was my dream to suffer thus with you; but I used to find myself so unworthy of it! Your heavenly words have brought the strength of God to my soul; while you were speaking, the Spirit of God came down on my soul; it is done, I also prefer the celestial goods to all the treasures of that world.”
---If verily this is what you think, my dear Maura, go to the prefect; who is anyway impatiently waiting, and curious to know the result of our conversation; and reprimand him boldly for his barbarism.”
---“I shall do that willingly; but I am quivering lest I lack courage in the midst of torture! I am so young, and so weak!”
---“Put all your trust in the Christ; completely abandon yourself to Him without any mental reservation; then, all the torture which human maliciousness would inflict on your members, will be to you like the oil which is poured upon a wound; your body will be in a certain manner, insensibilsed by the grace of our Lord Jesus.”
Then the saint martyr concentrated on a passionate prayer. He called aloud:
“Oh God! You who have made tolerable, the suffering of many of your servants; You who have made deliciously fresh, the flaming furnace, in which the three young men were cast down in Babylon, look favourably on your servant Maura. You who have blessed from on high in heaven the vows of our marriage, do not permit that we be separated during the eternity; on the contrary, condescend to unite us forever in the purple choir of your saint martyrs.”
He said this, and suddenly Maura stood up, entered into the court and showed herself to Arianus, as if she were animated, and said to him:
“Perfidious man, were you not ashamed to tempt me with the lure of riches; you have made gold and silver to be offered to me as a price of an apostasy; thus willing to lead the souls of my husband and me, to eternal death. No, I do not let myself be taken by this vulgar bait; I do not dread you in any way, because Jesus-Christ has clothed me with his unbeatable armour.”
Arianus addressed himself to those who were surrounding him, in a determined tone saying:
“Did not I verily tell you that Timotheus is a magician? Here is now his enchanted wife. She is all under the influence of the magic fascination. So, you Maura, you prefer death to life? Rightly compare the unknown suffering, the unheard-of torture, and the frightful agony, against the sweet things, the pleasures, the possessions, the vivid enjoyment of existence. If your husband wants to leave this world, in his abnormal excitement, and in his criminal obstinacy, why then suffer such a great grief for that? Is he not a fool? Console yourself, I shall give you the hand of one of my centurions, you will not be a looser in that change; because you will have a husband who is much more noble than Timotheus.”
The young righteously angry woman objected saying:
---“For that, no; Timotheus is preferable to all the centurions and better than them all. He is neither mad, nor obstinate, nor a magician, he is very simply protected by the Christ, as I am myself also; that is why, he is scornful of all your instruments of torture, and so am I.”
Facing this quiet firmness, fury seized Arianus. He made a sign, and the executioners showed up themselves:
“Unfasten the ribbons that hold up the hair of this woman, and pitilessly snatch her hair.”
The barbarous order having been executed, Maura stood in front of her judge, motionless; her head was bleeding. Arianus challenged her, while he showed her the tarnished with blood locks of her hair, lying on the ground, and said:
---“Here is what made the beauty of your head; note that this torture is nothing but the beginning; for, I swear by all the gods! I keep for you much more.”
---“By snatching this hair which I had ornamented and perfumed according to your command, in order to lead my husband to apostasy, you made me expiate an error which I had thoughtlessly committed; my hair will no more be able to harm anybody.”
This unexpected reply upset the prefect:
---“Cut all her fingers”.
She said:
---“Thanks! They are themselves which had worked to adorn myself in order to satisfy my vanity; without knowing, you are making me expiate another sin.”
The priest Basilius, who was disguised among the first row of the audience, let go these words:
“Maura, courageous and honest girl, how much you must be suffering!”
She turned her head towards his side saying:
“I do not absolutely feel any pain.”
Arianus was confounded. He then ordered that a huge boiler be warmed. When the water became boiling, they plunged the victim in it. She stood inside in the middle, without feeling any pain.
“Prefect, again I thank you. You have ordered me to have a good bath; I am finishing my complete purification here; in that way I shall arrive before God, without the shadow of a blemish. I only ask you to boil your water some more, because this bath is cold; and I do not feel any suffering in it, neither did I in the previous tortures.”
Facing this prodigy, Arianus suspected his troop of servants, to have an agreement with the victim. Although that was not appropriate, he thought that they had poured cold water inside the boiler that was warmed from the outside, in order to deliver her; she is rich, and they expect a large compensation. He left his chair to go and examine things from near. He said:
“Maura, throw a little water in my hand, so that I can judge myself its temperature.”
---“It is cold, I repeat to you. If you have no more wood to warm the boiler, fetch some at my father; he is a carpentar and can give you a cargo; but please activate your fire some more, I am catching cold in this bath.”
All this was said while joking, with a smile on her lips; the thing that did not a little stress the bad humour of the prefect.
“I have already asked you to put some of this water in my hand.”
She obeyed; she got her arm out of the hot boiler, and spread the little quantity of boiling water which she could take in the cavity of her hand, on the fingers of her judge. Arianus was severely burnt. He did not contest the miracle any more; he even had a first movement that was a lightning of faith and admiration. He cried out:
“Verily blessed, verily blessed be the God of Maura!”
Having said that, he ordered to release her.
One could have believed that the cult of the immortal gods was shaken inside the spirit of the prefect of Antinoe. Unhappily, the passions, the interest, and above all the ambition, protested against the scream of the vanquished sense, and strangled it. Later on, his beautiful movement was depicted to him, as being a disgraceful weekness, and they demanded an apology which he made largely.
Maura was fetched again at her dwelling place, and was brought back to the court. Arian, who was a rather annoyed to have changed his decision, said to her:
“I had given you back your liberty, but I hope that the future of your life, will not make me regret this favour. Naturally, leave aside your crucified Christ, and sacrifice to the immortal gods.”
---“If it is for this reason that you have called me back, you are loosing your time. You know my convictions;I will never sacrify to your gods; I scorn your torture; because my God is with me and protects me, anyhow you know something about that.”
---“If you decline to offer a sacrifice, I shall fill your mouth with flaming charcoals .”
---“Bravo! she said; I shall then expiate the sins of my tongue. If in former times God had purified his prophet Isaie from his errors by means of a single flaming charcoal which was presented to him by a cherubim, think of the joy which I feel to suffer this trial, and how much I desire that you place these charcoals, not only inside my mouth, but also over all the parts of my body; still better than this, I beseech you, cover me completely, so that I may be purified of all my trespasses.”
The prefect who was thus challenged, did not pursue his threat. He varied the torture, and ordered to bring a lamp that had been filled with sulfur and pitch, whose excessively heated long flame, would be activated by the gazes which came out of these smelted materials. This sophistication of torture angered those who were present. Shouts, objections, and even threats were heard; people were revolted to see a very young woman, tormented in such a manner. The curiosity of the first moment quickly changed into pity and sympathy; the shouts extended, and the demands became domineering after having been bashful, because every one was encouraged by the boldness of his neighbour.
Arianus had stood up, trying to master the agitation and to subdue the spirits. It was Maura who obtained their silence and made the noisy demonstrations cease with a single movement of her hand. The saint martyr feared lest the prefect yields to the threats of the crowd. As for her, it was the crown of martyrdom which she would lose; having been engaged so courageouly into the struggle, and being very near to finish her fight, she was seeing her victory escaping, and the triumph of paradise with it. Therefore she severely addressed those who were present saying:
“Let everybody here, mind his own business! Leave manly works to men; let women be occupied with the works of their sex! I do not need your sponsorship in any way. God, in whom I have placed all my trust, covers me with his protection; and that is enough for me. Illustrious prefect, I am at your orders.”
The executioner came near, having the lamp in his hand. With a satanic cleverness, he slowly projected its flame over all the parts of the body, while the saint kept continuing her discourse to the prefect as if nothing had happened.
“You are still thinking that this lamp will frighten me. Verily, think it over; was not the boiler more burning than it? This flame which is licking my flesh, seems to me like the refreshing morning dew, that makes the flowers and the fruits sprout.”
The prefect finally understood then, that in all kinds of torture, he will be conquered by this superior strength that made Maura’s body senseless; so, being confounded by his multiple failures, he decided to put an end to it quickly: Timotheus and his wife were condemned to the torture of the cross.
While they were leading them away to the place of their execution, Maura’s mother run to meet her daughter and cried while sobbing:
“Oh my child! Oh my daughter, it is thus that you abandon your mother? When you disappear, my child, what will remain for me in the world? Think of all the things which you will leave here, of your jewelry, your adornments.”
“Beloved mother, riches are passing away, mites attack clothes, beauty passes away and becomes faded with time and the life span; but the crown and the riches of the heavens never perish.”
Having said this, she embraced her mother, and gave her a last kiss, bidding here a supreme farewell, then vividly escaping from her hands, she joined her husband on the road to the calvary. They were both crucified facing each other, and were kept alive, by a new miracle, during nine days, consoling and encouraging one another.
By the end of the ninth day, a radiant angel came down from heaven to fetch their souls. Then Maura bade farewell to the touched assembly, who most of them were secret disciples of Christ, and had not ceased to assist them during their long agony. She said:
“Brothers, the moment has come for us to receive our reward. Always do the will of the Lord Jesus, and, like us, you will later on go to Paradise.”
After these last words, the two married Timotheus and Maura, being clothed with glory and immortality, went together to take their place, up there, in the eternal wedding of the Lamb.

Synaxarium ex. Menologio
Codex Palatinus of the Vatican Library, volume 27, folio 36.

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